CTY and Hubup : Toward a digitalization strategy

Publié le 15 novembre 2023
CTY and Hubup: toward a digitalization strategy. Meet Alexandre Galvez, Director of CTY (Compagnie des Transports Yonnais), operator of the Impulsyon network in La Roche-sur-Yon.

Why did CTY choose to adopt a digital and innovation strategy?

We chose to pursue a digital and innovation strategy through the dematerialization of our communications and tools because it allows us to align with our organization for optimal functionality. Today, we must be increasingly adaptable, flexible, and responsive, ensuring that information is transmitted as easily and efficiently as possible.

In essence, digitalization enables us to perform our current tasks with a certain agility. Ultimately, it has almost become a prerequisite to address the challenges we face locally and meet the needs of the metropolitan area, our clients, and the community.

I imagine that digital is taking up more and more space within organizations. Can you confirm?

Yes, absolutely! From a general perspective, everything is moving very quickly with digitalization, for example, feedback and requests from end-users that reach technicians in the metropolitan area, as well as elected officials. With the speed of data, we need to ensure that drivers are operational on these new services, routes, and schedules.

Ultimately, the digital strategy is in service to the public.

Which challenges ultimately led you to use our training GPS, Flexnav?

At CTY, our strength lies in the versatility of our drivers. They are familiar with the entire network, comprising 21 lines and thus 21 different routes. Versatility results in a reduction in their routine, enhancing their attention, and lowering the accident rate.

This virtuous circle allows us to attract some drivers who are currently in different networks where they are assigned to a single line.

The attraction of new drivers to our network also brings the challenge of training. Therefore, it is essential to properly train all our drivers and keep them informed of any deviations and minor route changes to avoid mistakes with serious consequences.

We decided to implement Flexnav to address this issue. Today, we use it for both the training of new drivers and sometimes complex deviations. In essence, Flexnav has given us the tools to be as flexible and adaptable as possible to avoid any issues related to the quality of our services.

In other words, the routes are adhered to, which is a guarantee of quality for us.

So, do you often have cases of deviations and, therefore, regular use of Flexnav?

On our network’s 21 lines, we always have two or three lines on deviation. Some drivers don’t need the tool as they are very familiar with the city and the network, but others are reassured by the idea of being guided by the tablet.

The solution is quite comprehensive as we have integrated commercial services, dead mileages, and all deviations. Some of our drivers observe and memorize the deviation before starting their service with the tablet and do not take it with them during their shift. Also, it allows us to show our authority the recorded deviations and the additional kilometers logged.

It’s a tool that serves us daily.

The reassuring aspect is highlighted for all three parties: you, your organizing authority, and your drivers?

Exactly, and what is also interesting is that we don’t have turnover here, yet we still use Flexnav on a daily basis.

How did you perceive the integration of the tool, both at the operational level and with the drivers?

Within the operation, the tool has been very well received and integrated by the supervisors and managers. Flexnav is seen as genuine support in daily operations. On one hand, the tool professionalizes, and on the other hand, it reassures the different drivers, ultimately leading to a reduction in potential conflicts.

Drivers have all the tools to be calm and reassured during their shift. Today, the observation we can make is that we would be unable to function without it, as the tool has become indispensable for us.

It is a tool that, to date, allows us to maintain the complete versatility of all drivers across all lines. The more versatile the drivers, the more we can optimize our human resources management with resource jobs, ultimately allowing us to balance daily activities more effectively.

Do you observe an improvement in service quality since the use of Flexnav?

Yes, absolutely! Better service quality, a decrease in the accident rate, and I would even almost say the word ‘Productivity’! Overall, we lose fewer unproductive hours; meaning, even in the past when we had to send a tutor to assist a new driver, today, the new driver is completely autonomous.

Was the handling simple enough for both you and the drivers?

In general, the supervisors were trained very quickly by Camille Deau. They took control of the tool, entered all the standard routes for the lines, dead mileages, and current deviations. Now, they just need to keep the app up to date.

And for the drivers, we explain the tool’s features before the start of the shift, and in 5 minutes, they are familiar with it. Everything is intuitive and easy to use. Today, on the operational side, we only need to ensure that the tablets are updated and charged.

Regarding Inlink, our digital internal communication solution, do you still see the need for the tool since its implementation in 2019?

On average, we have two to three information notes per day to update our employees on new developments in the network because we are a company that aims to be dynamic, in line with the dynamism of the region. To be dynamic, effective communication is essential.

Since the implementation of Inlink, we have observed that the old-fashioned bulletin board with service notes has become secondary, and in parallel, Inlink has become central; it’s a reflex for everyone and ensures that the information has been effectively transmitted.

Today, more than 95% of our workforce is connected to Inlink to access information anytime and anywhere on their smartphones. Drivers spend less time at the depot. This allows us to maintain and strengthen ties with employees. We also update our digital documentation on the tool for all employees, such as the driver’s professional booklet, internal regulations, etc.

In terms of communication, our practices have evolved, and Inlink has allowed us to be more responsive. We can retrieve information from documents, make specific requests to employees, and employees can make requests to us through internal forms.

Today, Inlink ensures the quality of our internal communication.

So, you highlight time savings and better information transmission thanks to our tool. Is that correct?

Exactly. Today, over a 7-hour day, drivers spend very little time at the depot thanks to the app, which allows them to access information in advance or during their break time at line terminuses. All special requests are also handled through the app, centralizing everything on this digital platform.

95% of your workforce uses Inlink. For what reasons do the remaining 5% not use it?

Simply because these are employees who do not have a phone and do not want one.

So you hope to achieve 100% usage?

Yes, because Inlink is now part of our onboarding process. When a new employee arrives, we create their user account and show them the features. In the end, using the tool becomes a routine.

If you had to describe Flexnav in 3 words, what would they be?

First, Ergonomic because it is very user-friendly for both supervisors and drivers.

Next, Effective because it allows us to focus on other issues and bring efficiency to the organization. I would also say that it fosters operational stakeholders.

Similarly, we could add that we have a very interesting and quick Return on Investment because we are more efficient and thus save human resources, even for a small structure like ours.