Edgar Lecomte, developer at Hubup

Publié le 15 novembre 2023
L'interview du jour - Edgar Lecomte
Today, meet Edgar Lecomte, Intern developer at Hubup. Discover his journey!

Edgar, could you briefly introduce yourself?

Edgar Lecomte, I’m 20 years old, and I’m a student at the IMM Digital School (Institute of Internet and Multimedia). Today, I hold the position of back end developer as part of my internship at Hubup.

What is your journey?

After my high school diploma, I explored various fields during a preparatory/orientation year, such as video games, digital creation (3D, video editing, design), and development, which I decided to pursue for the rest of my studies.

My apprenticeship for my bachelor’s degree is ending this year, and I am fortunate to be able to progress to a master’s degree while continuing my apprenticeship at Hubup.

How did you come to know about Hubup?

I discovered Hubup during a search for an internship on LinkedIn.

What do you do on a daily basis?

I’m a multitasker! On one hand, I handle the development of features to address customer feedback and also respond to the backend needs of front-end developers.

On the other hand, I work on longer-term projects involving the development of new features, which often require some time and research.

More inclined towards Front-end or Back-end?

Back-end without hesitation! I also enjoy front-end work, and I’m involved in that aspects as well. Both roles complement each other, and having knowledge in both areas is a real advantage for facilitating communication.

it also allows me to be more autonomous and less dependent when it comes to straightforward requirements.

But honestly, I prefer back-end. I really appreciate manipulating data.

What is your greatest pride?

My greatest pride? I would say the development of the VoIP feature and understanding how this technology works.

But I am proud of all the projects achieved thanks to the amazing team.

What is your hidden talent/passion?

I have been sculpting for about ten years.