Nicolas Voisin, Back-end developer at Hubup

Publié le 15 novembre 2023
L'interview du jour - Nicolas Voisin
Today, meet Nicolas Voisin, Back-end developer at Hubup. Discover his journey!

Nicolas, could you briefly introduce yourself and tell us more about the position you currently hold?

My name is Nicolas Voisin, I’m 26 years old, and I come from the beautiful Normandy region!

For over two years, I have been a back-end developer at Hubup. My role is primarily focused on handling the data in our apps. In other words, this includes all aspects of data manipulation, from storage and modification to deletion. It also involves communicating with the front-end teams, who will display the correct information to our users.

How did you discover the profession of a developer?

Actually, it was a bit by chance! During my law degree studies, I met an iOS developer who told me about web development. I immediately hooked onto it and became passionate because it’s a world where only imagination is the limit.

With the right technologies, we can build almost anything!

Always more motivated to turn this passion into my profession, I took on some jobs to finance my online training through OpenClassrooms. In the end, it allowed me to acquire more skills, and within a year, I achieved the Holy Grail!

How did you discover Hubup?

The attractiveness and dynamism of the Parisian job market prompted me to leave my hometown of Caen. At the same time, the company Hubup was looking to expand its team.

Consequently, I applied, and there was an immediate connection. So, with great pleasure, I joined the adventure in August 2020!

What do you enjoy on a daily basis in your job?

I would say what I enjoy the most is the constant search for optimization, teamwork, and the freedom we have every day in various tasks.

I also handle the training and supervision of our development apprentices. Growing up in a family of educators made me love pedagogy to the point where, a few years ago, I considered becoming a mathematics teacher.

With the expansion of our teams, I gladly volunteered to take on this task. I like to think that the job of a developer is above all a job of sharing everyone’s knowledge, helping to elevate the team to its best version. I really appreciate the mentoring aspect.

What is your greatest achievement at Hubup?

I have been involved in the creation of several features for our apps, but for now, I particularly highlight the development of the integration and manipulation of various client repositories, enabling the implementation of an Operations control & PI system with complex features in a very short time.

In a broader sense, I consider my greatest achievement to be my involvement in the development of Hubup as a company… We have some exciting surprises in store for you in the future…

What is your hidden talent/passion?

I am constantly searching for musical gems (1308 hours of listening on Spotify in 2021!). Music is at the heart of my life; I played the piano for 10 years and the bass for 5 years.

I am also a passionate scuba diving enthusiast.