Unicore at the CTY

Publié le 23 septembre 2024
Unicore - CTY
Réseau Impulsyon CTY
Bus Impulsyon - CTY

New network, new routes, new Operations control & PI system for La Compagnie des Transports du Yonnais in La Roche-sur-Yon, France.

As part of the renewal of the public service delegation, La Compagnie des Transports du Yonnais, a subsidiary of the RATP Dev group, has adopted Unicore our new Operations control & PI system; a more robust and reliable system installed in the vehicles of the urban network.

A long-standing client of Hubup with the use of Inlink and Flexnav, the Impulsyon network has equipped its 55 vehicles with Unicore, installed on a certified and recognized router in the market.

We spoke with Sophie Chimier, Head of New Technologies at La Compagnie des Transports du Yonnais.


Sophie, could you introduce CTY to us?

Formerly known as STY and established in 1976, CTY is a private company operating under a delegated management system, with its sole client being La Roche-sur-Yon Agglomération. The Impulsyon network serves the 13 municipalities within the Yonnais urban area. We operate 13 regular lines, 2 night lines, an evening campus shuttle, and on-demand services for everyone across the entire agglomeration. On September 2, 2024, our network took a new direction. With the new network configuration, we now have 7 regular lines within the city of La Roche-sur-Yon and 6 lines that cover the entire agglomeration, considered as cross-regional lines. As a result, the network serves a population base of approximately 90,000 inhabitants.

What are the new features of the transport offering?

The visual identity of our Impulsyon brand has been modernized, and our buses have been rebranded. Additionally, the routes have been redesigned in a different way. Previously, the lines connecting the outlying municipalities would only go to Place Napoléon, the heart of the city center, and would stop there. Transfers were not always convenient for our passengers. Today, we have consolidated the lines serving the outer municipalities, allowing two municipalities to be served by the same line, which makes the network easier to understand. Furthermore, service has been enhanced in 6 or 7 of the outer municipalities, with buses running every half hour in the morning and evening, which wasn’t the case before. For the inner-city lines, the major new feature is the change in terminus points. Instead of turning back, some lines have been extended to cover additional routes, providing dual service and offering more direct journeys without the need to transfer at our city center hub, Place Napoléon.

Could you introduce yourself?

I currently work at CTY, which was formerly known as STY until 2010. This network has been around for many years. I joined in the early 2000s as a receptionist, and then I moved into a marketing and sales assistant role. Five years ago, I took on the position of Head of New Technologies.

My career path has been somewhat unconventional, and today, I am responsible for all the onboard equipment in the vehicles, such as radios, destination signs, the Operations control & PIS, and ticketing systems. I also ensure that the commercial offerings align with customer demand while managing the vehicle’s IT systems.

As part of the renewal of the public service delegation, CTY, a subsidiary of the RATP group, chose Hubup for its system for operational support, passenger information, and management of onboard equipment.

What motivated you to transition from a heavy to a lightweight Operations control & PIS?

This decision was made as part of the renewal of our public service delegation. We aimed to modernize our tools, and certain hardware constraints made this change necessary. Our previous Operations control & PIS, deployed in 2013, operated on an analog radio system that was nearing the end of its life, with components that were impossible to replace. We found ourselves, in a way, obliged to switch to a new Operations control & PIS, even though it wasn’t initially planned. Our experience with the heavy Operations control & PIS had shown us that many of its features were never used, which didn’t really justify the need for such a robust system. Instead of focusing on the choice between a heavy or lightweight Operations control & PIS, we decided to explore the possibilities and functionalities of the systems available on the market. In La Roche-sur-Yon, our priority was to have a mapping system for drivers that included stops with indications of delays or advances, as well as GPS and routing information. We were already using Inlink and Flexnav with your company, which also influenced our decision to opt for your Unicore Operations control & PIS. Moreover, not all heavy systems offered the mapping with GPS functionality.

Other than the mapping with GPS, what were the key factors that influenced your decision to choose Unicore?

What really tipped the balance in favor of Unicore was the driver interface and the ability to view buses in real-time. Previously, we had very limited real-time information, and sometimes even inaccurate data. Finally, the cost was also a significant factor. To meet our specific needs, having all our requirements fulfilled while also benefiting from a more advantageous financial offer for an urban network like ours was particularly appealing.

How was the migration perceived by the client?

The client had previously experienced a very negative experience with the installation of the heavy system. La Roche-sur-Yon Agglomération, which usually purchases systems to own them and thus retain the tools during a change of operator, decided this time not to invest or take ownership, allowing the service provider the freedom to choose their tools. We are fortunate to have a good relationship with the agglomeration, which allowed us to work with full trust, without raising any concerns on their part.

So, you didn’t need to reassure them.

No, and we didn’t want to go back to our previous Operations control & PIS provider. Given our past experiences, if things had gone wrong, it would have been difficult to justify that decision.

And within the group, how was the migration perceived?

We were fortunate to have a director who supported our approach and responded to the call for tenders. On my end, I conducted research on various suppliers, compared their offerings, and we ultimately decided to go with Hubup. However, we did need to reassure the group before finalizing this decision.

What did you emphasize to reassure the group?

They were initially concerned from a technical standpoint, but Hubup was able to reassure them. The group was accustomed to working with the SIRI format for real-time data and using specific interfaces to link different tools. Hubup addressed their concerns through several discussions. In the end, our choice proved to be the right one! There’s nothing today that makes us regret this decision, nor does it suggest that we should have opted for a heavy system.

That’s great news!

Yes, as of today, although it’s a young product with potential for growth, it perfectly meets our current needs.

And regarding the implementation, how did it go internally?

Having an established contact and a relationship of trust built over time through our partnership on Flexnav and Inlink influenced our decision. In La Roche-sur-Yon, we value innovative products, even if they are not yet fully proven, as it allows us to adapt and evolve them according to our needs.

And how did the drivers react?

The drivers are thrilled. We initially launched a test phase with 5 buses, allowing all drivers to see the tablet in action, as they aren’t assigned to a specific vehicle or route. During this phase, their only instruction was to turn on the tablet, which helped them become familiar with the tool. With the network changes, new routes, and the sequencing of lines, the tablet and GPS function have been incredibly helpful. The drivers greatly appreciate this tool, and there have been no issues. In the urban sector, when something doesn’t work, it can quickly become frustrating and escalate. In our case, I haven’t received any negative feedback about the Operations control & PIS, and the drivers have adopted the tool very quickly.

And how about the agglomeration?

For the agglomeration, the key concern is that everything works smoothly. When we are able to address customer complaints by providing the necessary information, ensure that the buses run without issues, and that services are not interrupted, that’s what matters most.

How did the support from Hubup and the implementation of Unicore go?

Honestly, it went very well! Communication was consistently excellent. The implementation was straightforward and smooth. Since it’s a lightweight and easy-to-install system, it even slightly frustrated our workshop because there wasn’t much technical work required for the installation. Whether during the project phase, follow-up, or when I encounter an issue, I always receive a quick response, and we also see rapid improvements in the system.

Did you install the routers yourselves, can you confirm?

Yes, in La Roche-sur-Yon, we decided to install all the systems ourselves, drawing on our experience. While outsourcing to a service provider might seem like a time-saver, it can become complicated when a problem arises or when an intervention is needed in case of a breakdown, which can end up costing us more time. We preferred to handle the installation ourselves to better understand and quickly identify any potential issues. In a month and a half, we equipped 55 vehicles, including the ticketing system, which took a bit more time to install.

How are the relationships with the partners going?

The communication from Hubup to the suppliers is going well. Hubup is attentive and offers solutions in that regard.

What does Unicore bring as an Operations control & PIS?

In our experience, Unicore is somewhat heavy, but it remains simple, easy to access, and brings together all the functionalities and information we need. This simplicity, with everything consolidated into a single tool, is a real advantage.

Do you also use Geowatch, our mobile regulation tool?

A little, yes! A lot has changed recently, both in terms of the network and the equipment, so it’s not yet fully integrated into our routines. For now, not everyone has developed the habit of using it, but those who do find it great because they can quickly see the vehicle in real-time.
Bus Impulsyon - CTY
Thank you, Sophie, for sharing your experience, and thanks to the Impulsyon teams for their trust! We wish them a smooth journey ahead.